Sunday, May 12, 2013

One father and his loving son

This is not my story. My father loves me too, but till the semester results come. This is about one of my uncles and his son. After spending more than 5 months out of my house, I came back with an emotive face on a night. I had never been out for a long. So, pampering was more than expected. I love that day when I stepped in to my old little house, kept my luggage, sat on corridor, mom keep asking questions, and dad was asking about the journey, about the place where I stay. I feel valued that time only,because they don’t pump me down on that day. I don't buy anything for anybody when I go home, as I am bad on that. Whenever I take something for anybody at home, they don’t like it. Once I bought a black saree and planned to give one of my aunts. But when I had showed it to my parents, father shook his head with a big defeat in his face.
Next day, I was roaming around my village and talking to my neighbors. One of my uncle stays next to my house. He works outside and comes home once in 6 months. He was married with a son; named Bitthu. Bitthu had just started speaking by then. The kids who just learned to speak, ask a lot of questions, that’s why I don’t like them around. Bitthu is restless. He never stayed in a place more than 5 minutes except when he got angry. Whenever somebody stopped him from doing anything he lie down and starts throwing his legs until his mother comes and takes him in her lap. Eating is a word which never counts in Bitthu’s dictionary, because he never liked to eat. His father used to bring fruits, biscuits, and chocolates for him, but he never showed his interest on having those. His father was a bit unhappy with his child. Not because Bitthu doesn’t like to eat but Bitthu used to disturb the neighbors a lot. He used to make the hens off and break eggs which were kept for incubation; he used to hit anybody with anything if he was disturbed. No kids wanted to play with him, because everybody scared of him. His childhood partner was no one except for himself. There was not a single day when neighbors didn't complain to his parents for this boy. His parents were worried about. His parents tried everything to make him calm, cool, satisfied, but it didn’t worked. They were kind of habituated with the slangs of neighbors. One day I was talking to him, and after a while, he had tried to hit me with a fragment of brick. I wrapped him in my hand and took him away from our village and released him. He didn’t cry, instead he ran towards the opposite side of our village, I got scared, because he was running so fast, that in few minutes he could have entered in another village. Somehow I managed him and took at home. I never dared to take him with me agian. On the next day I was having my lunch with a piece of omelet and my favorite daal. Bitthu was around and came to me, and asked “what are you having?” I asked, “Why!Would you like to have”? I gave him a bit from the omelet. He took it and said,“We also have eggs”. I had given one more bit, he took it and ran. I finished my lunch and started roaming around .After that I went to my uncle’s house and seen Bitthu and his father having lunch in an open place leaving the Sun back to them. In winter under the Sun, with its slight heat, having lunch is really amazing. I knocked him saying “oi? What are you having?” Promptly he looked around and seen me and gave a Bitthuish smile and asked, “Eii? Do you have more omelets? “The word he was uttering was not as clear as I have written. But I heard him before, so I came to know his point. I said, “You want more omelet, then why didn’t you tell when I was having my lunch. I could have given you some more.” He kept himself silent. His mother was asking to take rice with a bit of fish, and he was asking questions to his mother. I got off for that day.
The next day I visited his home again at the morning, and was talking to my aunt. Suddenly,I had seen my uncle with a bag full of eggs in his hand. He was coming from market by his cycle. I shocked for a while, and asked why these many eggs? He said these are for Bitthu. Bitthu was throwing brickbats on a guava tree. He had come and hugged his father. Aunt took the market, and went off in the kitchen. Suddenly Bitthu told to me, “See, I told you na, We also have eggs.” I was standing beside the­­­m. I didn’t say anything; just smiled, and pinched in his back. Bitthu was holding one hand of his father and asking questions without waiting for a answer, and his father was giving him the answers without waiting for him to finish.

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